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Baby's Coming! Gotta Get This DONE! M7039

Okay, M7039, this cute little sleeper shouldn't have you in knots. It's simple enough...uuurrrrr!!! until you get to the gusset! Let's tackle that: Okay, 1st we will stitch the gusset to the right front. Turn your piece around so it mimics the illustration, then you'll be sure to have the right front. Line up the circles, large circle on the gusset, to the large circle on the right front. Stitch right sides together. And this is what it will look like when finished. Okay, so far so good.  Next, take your back piece, and stay stitch from the small circle to the small circle on the inner legs.  And then clip up to the LARGE circle; clip ALL THE WAY up TO the CIRCLE, but NOT THROUGH  the stitching.    Okay, now take a breath, we're almost done.  Now pin the inner leg, right front to right back, right sides together. the red lines show which side of the leg to join, right front to right back  Start to pin,... keep pi

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